
Hasnaa helped me create powerful new habits that brought me peace of mind and a deep feeling of optimism. I became more resilient in the face of adversity and as a CEO, I could positively impact the people surrounding me. Because I was able to have more focus and appreciation, the company’s international market share grew by 33% in less than a year.

Hasnaa has a gift for staying present and inviting others to examine what is at the core of any situation. I am so grateful for the time spent working with her and would highly recommend her as an executive coach. Through our work together, I identified opportunities to shift my lens and established new tools that elevate how I work and collaborate with others. Hasnaa’s ability to tailor the coaching experience to the needs and style of her clients is outstanding.

I was fortunate enough to work with Hasnaa for 6 months as part of an Executive Leadership coaching program. I highly recommend her as an executive coach and thoroughly enjoyed all of our sessions. She is intuitive, perceptive, empathetic, and a skilled listener and problem-solver. Not only that, but she’s great fun to talk to and strikes the perfect balance between friendly and firm to ensure you are making progress towards whatever goals you set for yourself. I’m so thankful that I had the opportunity for our paths to cross.

My coaching experience with Hasnaa was remarkable. She immediately created a comfortable environment where I was able to share openly. It was fascinating the way she was able to ask me questions that helped guide me and enable me to understand I had the answers within me. She helped me see blind spots that were limiting me. Ultimately, her coaching increased my self-confidence and therefore my performance. I'm truly grateful for my time with Hasnaa and highly recommend her as a coach.

Hasnaa is, hands down, one of the best coaches I have ever worked with! She listens intently, reads and hears between the lines, and picks up on my limiting beliefs, reflecting them back to me in both thought-provoking and transformative ways. As a result, she has helped me take my real estate sales business from fledgling to being in the top 5% of realtors in San Francisco and top 1.5% in the nation. More importantly, I am a more confident, balanced and fearless leader because of my work with Hasnaa.

Hasnaa has been my Executive Coach for several years now. It has been an incredible collaboration: Hasnaa helped me to grow in my leadership, to make the right choices, and to achieve all my goals. Hasnaa has both the technical skills and humane instinct to support any type of managers. In my personal context, Hasnaa has been the partner I needed to get promoted, move to another company, and build successes in both, whatever the difficulties. I highly recommend Hasnaa if you need a genuine, direct and efficient Executive Coach!

Hasnaa m’a aidé à créer de nouvelles habitudes, suffisamment puissantes pour qu’elles m’apportent une paix de l’esprit et un profond sentiment d’optimisme. Je suis devenu plus résilient face à l’adversité de la vie et en tant que P-DG, je pouvais impacter positivement les personnes m’entourant. Comme j’ai gagné en focus et en appréciation, la part de marché internationale de la compagnie a augmenté de 33% en moins d’une année, P-DG, secteur de l'immobilier.

J’ai dû avoir recours au coaching parce que mon niveau élevé de stress commençait à impacter mes relations au travail, ma performance au travail s’amenuisait à vue d’œil and j’ai vraiment touché le fond lorsque j’ai divorcé. Hasnaa a fait un travail incroyable en conditionnant de nouvelles habitudes saines qui m’ont soutenu et ont tout changé. Je suis devenu à nouveau motivé et mon travail a recommencé à avoir du sens pour moi. En seulement quelques mois, je me suis senti beaucoup mieux et j’ai pu multiplier par 7 les actifs que j’avais en gestion.

Je recommande Hasnaa parce qu’elle est efficace, authentique et qu’elle se soucie vraiment du bien-être de la personne qu’elle a en face d’elle. J’ai particulièrement adoré nos séances centrées sur mes émotions, ce qui m’a permis de me rendre compte à quel point je m’épuisais à constamment réfléchir, penser, me faire du souci pour des choses futiles. Après chaque séance, je me sentais plus légère, plus heureuse et plus motivée. Cela s’est directement reflété sur mes résultats et mes relations aux autres.

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